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Optical Fiber Communication Quantum Physics vs. Information Theory, Cosmology, and Bible vs. Modern Science
Terrestrial and Satellite Microwave Links Measurement Techniques History of the telephoneOverview Early inventors Antonio Meucci Philipp Reis Innocenzo Manzetti Meucci and Bell Read my book . . .
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and, in Italian . . .
Bicentenario di Antonio Meucci: 13 aprile 1808-2008
Il primo cavo ottico a Torino: 15 settembre 1977
Basilio Catania
Via Torino 86 10070 Fiano (TO) Italy Tel./Fax +39-011-925-4195 [send me a fax, specifying your interest, postal and email addresses, to exchange emails]
I am a researcher in telecommunications
My occupation...
researching, writing, netsurfing, gardening, enjoying music